2 January 2024
Success at Committee for Battersea Scheme
Posted 2 January 2019 by Anna Ryten

Mountford Pigott LLP is delighted to announce that the London Borough of Wandsworth has passed a resolution to grant consent (subject to s106 agreement) for our exciting new York Road Battersea scheme for the Big Yellow Self Storage Company.
The mixed-use proposals have been painstakingly developed with a team of technical consultants and in close consultation with the local planning authority and the GLA. The scheme will see the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of a new 6 storey self-storage facility, including artists’ studios and flexible office space as well as 168 new residential units in blocks up to 20 storeys with ground floor retail and 1st and 2nd floor offices, basement parking and new public realm landscaped areas and podium.